Ancient Rome

A breakdown of everything students need to know about the Romans in the age range 7-11. This course includes a study of Roman history, architecture, society, as well as art and culture.

Created By

Isabella P

Ancient History



Ancient Rome


Course Overview

This course aims to teach ages 7-11 about the history of the Romans. This will include learning about Roman life, history and culture, and the ways the Romans have influenced the world today. The course is broken down into ten lessons, where we go into detail about what life was like for the Romans. We will also explore Roman arts, culture and architecture, as well as looking at the Roman Empire more widely, including what life for women was like, what Roman beliefs were and the archaeological findings of Pompeii that have shaped our understanding of Roman life. The course will include digital handouts, reference images and illustrations and reference videos. All students are encouraged to start a Romans workbook.

Course Content


10 HOURS Total Length

Lesson 1

Who Were The Romans?

60 minutes

Lesson 2

How The Romans Lived

60 minutes

Lesson 3

Roman Entertainment

60 minutes

Lesson 4

Roman Roads and Buildings

60 minutes

Lesson 5

Roman Gods and Goddesses

60 minutes

Lesson 6

The Roman Army and War

60 minutes

Lesson 7


60 minutes

Lesson 8

Roman Arts and Culture

60 minutes

Lesson 9

The Lost City of Pompeii

60 minutes

Lesson 10

The Roman Legacy

60 minutes

Key Skills






Isabella P

History and Graphic Design Educator

Isabella has a range of teaching experience, including running workshops for university-level students. She teaches the primary curriculum as well as history to A-level students and graphic design to undergraduates.