Raising Siblings: the Key To a Good Sibling Relationship

Develop the all-important relationship between your two children on this detailed and practical course. Lessons include tips on communication strategies and strengthening connection.

Created By

Louise B

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced



Raising Siblings: the Key To a Good Sibling Relationship


Course Overview

Parenting at home is hard. Being at home all day with nowhere to go when children argue can send even the calmest parent over the edge. Siblings quarrel, and there are no two ways around that. Living under the same roof and sharing the same parents, siblings get an opportunity to experience both love and hate for the same person without the fear of being left out. This volatile relationship can be difficult to understand as a parent - and while parents are a necessary part of this relationship, they do not need to respond to and give every little fight their full attention. This course will provide parents with highly effective communication strategies to better handle these situations, including how to translate what children are actually saying, how to know what to respond to, and how to strengthen the connection between siblings. 

Course Content


9 HOURS Total Length

Lesson 1

Your Biggest Concern?

90 minutes

Lesson 2

The Gift of a Sibling

90 minutes

Lesson 3

Giving Up the Role of the Referee: But Then What?

90 minutes

Lesson 4

The Three-Step Communication Model

90 minutes

Lesson 5

Volatility: Dealing With Big Emotions

90 minutes

Lesson 6

Children Need Translating

90 minutes

Key Skills





Louise B

Parenting Pro

Louise has made teaching parenting her mission, helping them feel empowered in their own lives and more connected to their children.