Advanced Cell Biology

Gain a full understanding of cells with this comprehensive course, aimed at any student with an interest in biological sciences. The material can act as supplementary to GCSE and A-Level syllabi.

Created By

James R

16-18, Adult



Advanced Cell Biology


Course Overview

This course provides insights into the essential topics of cell biology. Each lesson will give a broad overview of a chosen subject, such as genes, neurobiology, immunology, and stem cells, with more detail given to key examples. Students will also consider relevant diseases, the challenges they present, and how to treat them. The material covered will be supplementary to GCSE/A-Level syllabi and aimed at students with an interest in biological science. By the end of this course, students will have a thorough understanding of some essential topics in advanced cell biology. A high level of interactivity is encouraged on this course and students who put time into the homework assignments between lessons will receive the maximum benefit.

Course Content


6 HOURS Total Length

Lesson 1

Genes and Genomes

60 minutes

Lesson 2

Proteins and Enzymes

60 minutes

Lesson 3

Cell Signalling

60 minutes

Lesson 4


60 minutes

Lesson 5


60 minutes

Lesson 6

Stem Cells

60 minutes

Key Skills

Critical Thinking

Analytical Skills

Attention to Detail

Investigative Techniques


James R

Maths, Biology and Chemistry Specialist

With a first class degree in biochemistry, James' lessons are packed with practical applications and modelled answers to ensure students get top marks.