Supporting Your Child with Reading and Comprehension: EYFS and KS1

Knowing how to best support your child's reading and writing development can often be difficult. This course guides students through the different methods and techniques to give your child the appropriate help that they need.

Created By

Jennifer S




Supporting Your Child with Reading and Comprehension: EYFS and KS1


Course Overview

The most important thing that any school-aged child learns to do is read. Yet working out how to support this learning can be difficult, intimidating, or even seem impossible, particularly if it's different from how you were taught. This course helps parents understand the progression of phonics from phase one to five and enables them to support their children as they go through these phases. It also helps them to understand the comprehension that is expected of their children at this age and the sort of questions that can help children to demonstrate their understanding of the books they have read. This course suits anyone who reads with children under eight, whether they are hoping to home school or simply ensure that their child has consistency at home as well as at school.

Course Content


7.5 HOURS Total Length

Lesson 1

Phonics I

45 minutes

Lesson 2

Comprehension: Joining in and Retelling

45 minutes

Lesson 3

Phonics II

45 minutes

Lesson 4

Comprehension: Matching Questions

45 minutes

Lesson 5

Phonics III

45 minutes

Lesson 6

Comprehension: Selective Analysis of Perception Lesson

45 minutes

Lesson 7

Phonics: Phase IV

45 minutes

Lesson 8

Phonics: Phase V

45 minutes

Lesson 9

Comprehension: Reordering Perception

45 minutes

Lesson 10

Reasoning about Perception

45 minutes

Key Skills





Jennifer S

Reading and Comprehension Educator

Jennifer has five years of experience as a primary teacher, specialising in the EYFS and KS1. She has worked with students of varying backgrounds, including those learning English as an additional language, with additional needs or struggling with mental health.